• Be the Manager You Always Wanted

    Join thousands of managers in building the skills that get you recognized and promoted.

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    Expert Lessons

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    Bite-Size Courses

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    Every-Day Templates

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    Weekly Growth

  • Technical Leaders ❤️ Lighthouse Lessons

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  • 3 Steps to Be a Better Leader


    Start Your Course

    Enroll in Lighthouse Lessons to begin your management training.


    Review Lessons Weekly

    Receive a new bite-size,

    high-impact, lesson every week.


    See Change from Day 1

    Apply actionable advice each week to advance your leadership.

  • How Lighthouse Lessons Works

    Purpose-built for engineering managers, and other leaders at engineering-led organizations

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    Short Lessons, BIG Results

    Lighthouse Lessons help even the busiest managers build their leadership skills with bite-size, 20-minute lessons built on the benefits of microlearning

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    Study on Your Schedule

    Lighthouse Lessons come straight to your inbox each week, so you learn when you’re ready. Choose your best time to read lessons and review curated bonus videos, podcasts, & more.

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    Templates Make it Easy

    Lighthouse Lessons provide ready-made templates to give you exactly what you need to immediately apply what you learn in each lesson.

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    Learn from Legends

    Lighthouse Lessons are created by the same leaders who brought you the Get Lighthouse leadership blog for over a decade.


    Our management training courses combine modern insights and workplace research with timeless advice from masters including Peter Drucker, Andy Grove, Dale Carnegie & many more.

  • Built for Leaders of All Experience Levels 

    New Leaders 

    Learn foundational management skills
    & build your confidence as a leader.

    Senior Leaders

    Refine core management concepts to bring out your team's full potential.


    Make great leadership a core value through your example & investment in training.

  • Join Upcoming Programs

    Lighthouse Lessons are offered at select times throughout the year before leaving forever.

    Don’t miss out on the courses you need!

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    Conquer Your Calendar


    Is your calendar filled with back to back to back meetings that are too often wasteful? Learn how you and your team can reclaim your calendars, make more time for deep work, and improve the meetings you keep.


    Available this week only, transform your team into a well-oiled machine that gets more done, communicates better, and frees you up to be more present at home due to less demand for late night work sessions to catch up.


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    Future Program TBA

    We're always listening to manager feedback and building new programs that help managers with today's biggest leadership challenges.


    We will be launching a new program in Q3 2024.


    Sign up to be notified when the new program launches.